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ONPA Compliance Division Implements Case Management System, the First of its Kind in the Insular Area

The Compliance Investigation Division (CID) of the Office of the National Public Auditor (ONPA) has recently designed and implemented a case management system (CMS), the first of its kind in the Insular Area. The CMS will be used to manage case activity and statistical information regarding the cases and activities initiated by CID. Use of the CMS will boost the division's efficiency and aid the division in preventing and detecting fraud. As such, it will become an integral component of the Public Auditor's efforts “to improve government operations, efficiency, and accountability for the public's benefit.”

The project was initiated by Chief Investigator Sophia Pretrick during a 45-day professional development experience with the U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Inspector General (DOI/OIG) in Washington, D.C. and Virginia. Ms. Pretrick negotiated and obtained the assistance of the OIG Acquisition Integrity Unit (OIG/AIU) in developing the CMS.

Mr. Robert Knox, Director of the AIU and Mr. James Smith, a Special Agent with the DOI, traveled to Pohnpei to provide the assistance. Messrs. Knox and Smith provided a week of intensive assistance and collaboration in the development of the CMS, which is modeled after their CMS with modifications made to fit the needs of the CID. Additionally, while in Pohnpei, the two gentlemen conducted a fraud procurement training session for the ONPA staff and assisted in the development of a Procurement and Contract database.

The Public Auditor wishes to publicly thank Messrs. Knox and Smith for their assistance, without which the CMS could not have been designed. They have played an important role in helping the ONPA develop the tools needed to carry out its mission and in the professional development of the ONPA staff. As a token of appreciation, the two gentlemen were provided an on-site tour of the ancient ruins at Nan Madol and were taken to view the beautiful Kepirohi waterfall.

The Public Auditor also thanks the DOI for its assistance and continued support of the ONPA and the CID. They look forward to benefitting from the expertise and assistance that the DOI has and continues to provide to the FSM.


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