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Press Release

Public Auditor Hainrick and Two Staff Attend the 2007 Annual Conference with Inspector General for DOI in Honolulu, Hawaii

During the week of December 4 th 2007, Public Auditor Hainrick attended two conferences in Honolulu , Hawaii .

In the first conference, Inspector General (IG) Earl Devaney and his staff held meetings and workshops with members of the Association of Pacific Islands Public Auditors (APIPA) at the Hilton Hawaiian Village & Resort Hotel in Honolulu , Hawaii on December 4 th and 5 th 2007. This annual event is funded by the Department of Interior-Office Inspector General (DOI-OIG).  About 30 DOI-OIG staff and APIPA members from FSM, Palau , CNMI, Guam , Marshall Islands , American Samoa and the Virgin Islands attended the meeting. During the meeting, APIPA Principals and the IG reported on the successes and problems experienced by each country.  In addition, workshops were held on “Effective Collaboration with Local IG's/Public Auditors” and “Leadership Development.”

In the second conference, on December 6, 2007 a keynote speech by David Cohen, DOI-Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Insular Affairs opened the joint meeting between APIPA members and the Island Government Finance Officers' Association (IGFOA). 

The meeting's objective was to: share information about the strategic goals of the Office of Insular Affairs and the roles of the Finance Offices and Public Auditors in achieving these goals; continue the dialogue between Finance Officers and Public Auditors on how to improve financial management in the insular areas; and discuss site-specific action plans developed by the IGFOA with input from APIPA principals.  Close to 70 people from the named countries and entities attended this significant event.

The meeting objectives were accomplished through discussions and sharing of information among the insular representatives, staff from the Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) and Graduate School-USDA and consultants. Issues discussed included “Strategic Planning within the OIA and Progress on Development Performance Measures”; “Strategic Goals and the Pacific Islands Training Initiative-Virgin Island Training Initiative (PITI-VITI) Year in Review”; “Performeter® Updates”; “What Finance Offices Can Do to Support Economic Development and Policy Reform”; and “Best Practices”.  Break out sessions of each country group identifying important issues covered during the presentations and discussions concluded the conference.     

Public Auditor Hainrick was accompanied by Eric Elias, staff auditor, and Kelly Samuel, investigator, at this year's annual DOI-IG/APIPA Conference with expenses paid for by the DOI-IG as the host and organizer for this annual event.


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