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Press Release

The New Executive Secretary

We welcome Ms. Hileen Jack as the new executive secretary replacing Dorian Kiyoshi, who resigned to join her family in the US mainland. Hileen was previously employed at ONPA on a temporary basis as an assistant clerk. When the executive secretary position became vacant, she applied and was selected. Hileen is from Pohnpei, FSM.

Before joining ONPA, Hileen worked with Neime Rendezvous Cafe as a cashier and computer assistant. Her tasks ranged from customer services to handling the company's financial disbursement. Specifically, she handled cash collections, supervised floor operation and other co-workers, and occasionally served as an assistant to the manager. In 2006, Hileen was employed as executive secretary to the Mayor of Kolonia Town Municipality.

Hileen says her new job at ONPA is very challenging. She cannot run out of chores to be done everyday. She enjoys the new work environment and looks forward to working with the staff of ONPA. The ONPA team welcomes Hileen to the office.

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