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Press Release

New Field Office in Chuuk State

We are pleased to announce the establishment of a new Field Office in Chuuk State, FSM.   With the funding made available in March 2007, the tasks of recruiting staff, searching for office space, procuring equipment, goods and services, etc. were speedily implemented and are continuing to-date although the cheerful staff there say that “things have begun to pull together to make it look like an office.”  In early June 2007, the National Public Auditor, Mr. Haser Hainrick, traveled to Chuuk with a senior staff from the Main Office and, together with the staff from the Field Office, they met with the State Officials from the Executive and Legislative Branches to formally inform the State's leadership about the presence of the Office of the National Public Auditor through the recent establishment of the new Field Office. An initiative of the Office of the National Public Auditor pursuant to its Strategic Plan, this vision becomes a reality in 2007 after the budget was finally approved following two years' hurdles to seek funding.

In his budget request, the National Public Auditor noted that being the most populous and currently facing serious financial dilemmas for years, Chuuk State needs immediate and close attention from the National Government to provide solid assistance in addressing its financial crisis. The urge to take immediate action is evident in the National Public Auditor's concern that the negative international publicity surrounding poor financial management in the State of Chuuk, and the ongoing allegations of serious financial corruptions, not only have an adverse impact on all the good citizens of Chuuk, but on the reputation of the citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia. Hainrick further adds that ‘such negative perceptions could restrain international aid and investment in the FSM.  Given all such reasons, it is essential and in the best interest of the citizens to establish the new Field Office in Chuuk.

Currently, the Chuuk Branch Office has four (4) personnel staffs; two auditors, one investigator and a secretary.  An audit supervisor, being targeted to be a CPA, is under active recruitment and the incumbent will report directly to the National Public Auditor and manage the day-to-day operation of the new Field Office.  The investigator reports to the chief investigator at the Main Office for matters pertaining to assigned cases in this specific jurisdiction.

Located at the Tupunion Building across the FSM Supreme Court in downtown Weno, the complete mailing address and contact information are:

Federated States of Micronesia

Office of the National Public Auditor

Chuuk Field Office

P.O. Box 760

Weno, Chuuk FM 96942

Phone: 330-9932/8835

Fax: 330-8840

Staff's bio can be viewed by clicking on ‘Staff' at this website.


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