Press Release
Upcoming Review and Update of the National Public Auditor's Strategic Plan
The Office of the National Public Auditor has been operating under a three-year period Strategic Plan, which is for fiscal years 2004 through 2007. The Strategic Plan has been an essential part of the Office's accomplishments since its adoption about three years ago. The Plan has facilitated the work and operation of the Office through strategic planning, which promotes an environment of clear direction and provides motivation for its employees. The Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2004 to 2007 specifies the vision of the office, its mission statement as well as the main action plans and the responsible parties accordingly in terms of the most efficient and effective utilization of the office resources in attaining its objectives and goals. The mission entails the idea of providing an open environment that supports the works of the auditors, investigators and their supporting staff to provide timely reports for decision making that would lead to improved government operations. In fact, it is the Office's vision to enhance good governance, accountability and performance in the public sector through the delivery of independent assurance and investigative services. The objectives and goals of the Office support the overall goals of the National Government in promoting economic growth and development for the Federated States of Micronesia as a whole.
As the Office is approaching the due time for the review and revision of its current Strategic Plan, the Office has hired a reputable consultant to facilitate the revision process in order to acquire a revised Strategic Plan in time. The Office solicited certain proposals from both foreign and local consulting firms for this project. However, with certain selection criteria, the Office has hired the same firm that was involved in the production of the original Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2004 to 2007. Currently the Office has contracted Pacific Northwest Consulting Services, headed by Dr. Lowell Kuehn for the upcoming revision of the Strategic Plan, which will take place from June 25-27, 2007 , at the National Campus, College of Micronesia-FSM , Palikir, Pohnpei State .