Press Release New Audit Supervisor Recently Arrives at the FSM Office of the National Public Auditor The FSM Office of the National Public Auditor welcomes another staff member to its team. Newly hired Donald Yamada who has a two-year contract with the Office as audit supervisor comes from the San Francisco Bay Area. He retired from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in 2003 after working 27 years as a Senior Analyst. Donald's wife Lucia and their two children, a 29-year old daughter and 28-year old son still live in the Bay Area. In a recent interview with Donald, he expresses how surprised he has been with the people here at the Office. “The people here impressed me with their work skills, communication skills and friendly nature. I didn't know what to really expect. It has been a really pleasant surprise.” One of his goals here at the Office is to pass on what knowledge and skills he has to other staff. “This job is perfect for me. I would enjoy passing on what I learned from working at GAO. I'm at a point in my life where I have more patience and willingness to train younger staff.” He also expresses how glad he is to be here in Pohnpei. “I wanted to experience living on a Pacific Island , which seems so attractive. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Keller Phillip , a staff auditor working closely with Donald commented, “He's a nice gentleman, a very good helper and easy to understand. I enjoy working with him.”