The Office of the National Public Auditor (ONPA) announced the resignations of two of its senior auditors. Michael Henry, Auditor IV resigned from the ONPA on May 14, 2009 to accept an offer to become the Internal Auditor/Compliance Officer at the FSM Development Bank. Eric Elias, Auditor III officially resigned on May 25, 2009 to accept an offer to become the Director of Administration at the Pohnpei State Supreme Court. Both Eric and Mike have many years of government auditing services with ONPA, nine and ten years, respectively. Both have been very resourceful and have contributed so much to the many achievements of the office throughout the years. Before he resigned, Eric was the auditor-in-charge of a series of audits of the Congress funded Public Projects in Yap, Kosrae and Pohnpei. Mike was recently reclassified as the only Auditor IV and handled duties and served as a supervisor on many audit engagements.The Public Auditor and his staff held a farewell luncheon on May 22, 2009 at PCR Restaurant to wish the best of luck to the former colleagues in their career. The Public Auditor also acknowledged the loss on the part of the ONPA team as a result of the departing two senior staff members. However, he also made encouraging remarks and advices for both to keep up the good work, as they take on roles of greater responsibilities both in the private and public sectors, in developing the nation.